It’s all about the feathers!

It’s all about the feathers!

If I had £1 for every time I’m asked where I get my feathers from, I’d be a wealthy woman! Being my most used surface to paint on, this topic arises quite frequently – in the past 2 days alone I have been asked twice on Facebook and also on Instagram...
It’s all about the feathers!

Golden Eyes – my latest feather painting.

If you were to ask me about my feather paintings, I’d probably tell you that I always start with the eyes. That was until yesterday, when I was working on my latest painting. I remembered to take some ‘work-in-progress’ pictures (I often forget to do...
Fun With Owls and Art in the Classroom!

Fun With Owls and Art in the Classroom!

A few weeks ago I was invited to spend a couple of days working with some groups of children at a local primary school on their ‘owl project’. The first day began with an ‘Owl Encounter’. The school had arranged for Gary the Falconer from...

Newly finished painting

The good news to begin this blog with is that I sold 2 of my 3 painted feathers entered in the Sidcot Arts Showcase! The feedback about the exhibition was very positive at the North Somerset Arts AGM last month, so hopefully there will be more similar events to look...