It’s all about the feathers!

It’s all about the feathers!

If I had £1 for every time I’m asked where I get my feathers from, I’d be a wealthy woman! Being my most used surface to paint on, this topic arises quite frequently – in the past 2 days alone I have been asked twice on Facebook and also on Instagram...
It’s all about the feathers!

Golden Eyes – my latest feather painting.

If you were to ask me about my feather paintings, I’d probably tell you that I always start with the eyes. That was until yesterday, when I was working on my latest painting. I remembered to take some ‘work-in-progress’ pictures (I often forget to do...
Big, Bold, Barn Owl.

Big, Bold, Barn Owl.

For about a week now, I’ve had the urge to paint a big, bold Barn Owl. Last night, we saw a Super Blue Moon and I’m not sure if that had anything to do with it, but I sat and painted exactly that! A Big Bold Barn Owl. I had every intention of taking...
All It Takes Is A Nudge!

All It Takes Is A Nudge!

What a Year 2017 has been! A year of many firsts, and a year so packed full of events, I haven’t found the time to blog. Shame on me when I’ve had so much to share. Never fear, I’m here now…with news of my latest adventure which was scary and exciting at the...

E-commerce goes live!!!!!!

Hello!! It is with great excitement that I announce from today, you are able to buy my original paintings directly from me via my website! With much help from the lovely Gicela Morales, ( we have found a suitable tool that allows me to offer...