I’ve gone a bit ‘Owl Crazy’!

Hello again! June has turned out to be as busy this year as it has been for the past few years…its my busiest month for sure as far a photography goes. With preparations for the exhibition in full swing too, there has been little time to paint, even though my...

Mother’s Day Hawk Walk

As expected, I haven’t had any time for paintbrushes so far this week – and its looking highly unlikely that there will be any painting for the next few days… ?  So instead, I thought I’d share my Mother’s Day treat with you…a...

Wild with a camera…I love where I live!

Sadly, not much painting to report this week, but on a happier note, I’ve managed a few trips out into the countryside with my camera. This week’s highlight has to be my most recent visit to Ham Wall in the Somerset Levels to  once again witness the...

We struck Starling Gold!!

What a day…!!! My daughter, my friend and I returned to Ham Wall nature reserve today to continue our quest to experience the natural spectacle that is the ‘Starling Roost’ Ideally, I’d like to see the starlings dancing in flight against the...