by Mandi | Feb 1, 2018 | birds, feather paintings, owls, Painting
For about a week now, I’ve had the urge to paint a big, bold Barn Owl. Last night, we saw a Super Blue Moon and I’m not sure if that had anything to do with it, but I sat and painted exactly that! A Big Bold Barn Owl. I had every intention of taking...
by Mandi | Jun 5, 2013 | birds, News
Hello! Arts week came and quick as a flash! After months of intensive preparation, the 10 days flew by and I really enjoyed the whole experience. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and chatting to all the visitors exploring the Arts Trail and was overwhelmed...
by Mandi | Sep 21, 2012 | birds, Exhibitions, owls, Painting
Hello!! I’m really happy today as I’ve finally found some time to paint again!! I’ve been so busy recently with photography and website development that painting has taken a back seat. Yesterday I went to see the North Somerset Arts Showcase...
by Mandi | Jun 14, 2012 | birds, owls, Painting, Photographs
Hello again! June has turned out to be as busy this year as it has been for the past few years…its my busiest month for sure as far a photography goes. With preparations for the exhibition in full swing too, there has been little time to paint, even though my...
by Mandi | May 24, 2012 | birds, Exhibitions
Hello again, (said with a smile!) as the sun has finally decided to shine again!!! So much has happened in the last few weeks…where do I start?? With exhibitions looming ever closer, I have begun to mount and frame my favourite paintings. Its a bit of a chore...
by Mandi | Mar 9, 2012 | birds, Painting
What a week…! Firstly, I have to announce my mega exciting news that I am now ‘Trainee Falconer’ at Puxton Falconry Centre, with Gary, Claire and Lon!!! I’m so excited – not only do I photograph and paint these stunning birds of prey, but...
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