Big, Bold, Barn Owl.

Big, Bold, Barn Owl.

For about a week now, I’ve had the urge to paint a big, bold Barn Owl. Last night, we saw a Super Blue Moon and I’m not sure if that had anything to do with it, but I sat and painted exactly that! A Big Bold Barn Owl. I had every intention of taking...

I’m in a Documentary about Arts Week!!!!

Hello!  Arts week came and quick as a flash! After months of intensive preparation, the 10 days flew by and I really enjoyed the whole experience. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and chatting to all the visitors exploring the Arts Trail and was overwhelmed...

I’ve gone a bit ‘Owl Crazy’!

Hello again! June has turned out to be as busy this year as it has been for the past few years…its my busiest month for sure as far a photography goes. With preparations for the exhibition in full swing too, there has been little time to paint, even though my...

Expressions of an Eagle…

What a week…! Firstly, I have to announce my mega exciting news that I am now ‘Trainee Falconer’ at Puxton Falconry Centre, with Gary, Claire and Lon!!! I’m so excited – not only do I photograph and paint these stunning birds of prey, but...