Sunsets, Starlings & Smiles of Satisfaction…

The last couple of days have seen the weather turn cold and my paintbrushes zing into action! Although still a bit chilly sat at my kitchen table, rugged up in thick jumpers and ugg boots, it’s been a lot warmer than outside with hail storms and almost freezing...

Meltdown diffused…!

Hmmmmm…it’s been a good few days since my last post, and what a week its been. I’ve finally got my wheels back after more than a month without my car!!!! Welcome home Ruby! This probably explains the lack of painting – having my car back has...

We struck Starling Gold!!

What a day…!!! My daughter, my friend and I returned to Ham Wall nature reserve today to continue our quest to experience the natural spectacle that is the ‘Starling Roost’ Ideally, I’d like to see the starlings dancing in flight against the...

Starlings galore!!

My expedition to the Somerset Levels last week seems to have turned into an overnight addiction!! Not only did I take my husband and daughter back to see them roost on Saturday (that night they decided to change their roost site and fly to a completely different area...

Baby Boobok Owlet, in Water Colour

Irwin, Baby Boobok Owlet. Watercolour. This morning’s escapism adventure into my paint box took me to Australia! Not literally, but artistically, as Oz is the native country of the Boobok Owl – the subject of today’s painting. Irwin (pictured)...