Hello!! I’m really happy today as I’ve finally found some time to paint again!! I’ve been so busy recently with photography and website development that painting has taken a back seat. Yesterday I went to see the North Somerset Arts Showcase Exhibition at Sidcot School and it really inspired me to come home and paint. There was a fantastic selection of all sorts of art on display, and I was over the moon to see my own 3 pieces positioned right inside the entrance!
So, raring to go, I prepared my kitchen table with my waterproof plastic sheet and old pillow case, set out my paints, brushes and water pots and dived straight in. A few months ago, I’d started quite a large painting of a Siberian Eagle Owl, swooping in towards its prey. I’d only managed to do the initial blocking in of the owl, with a fair bit of detail done on its head and body and then hit ‘painter’s block’! So it was a case of putting the painting away for a while until inspiration returned. This image has been on my mind a lot recently, increasing my frustration at not having the time to paint, so this morning I decided I would pull it out of the folder and see what I could do to try to complete it.
This drawing was taken from a photo I took at work of ‘Bumble’, a Siberian Eagle Owl and I wanted this painting to appear as if he was in the wild. My ‘painter’s block’ had been because I was struggling in my head as how to achieve the feel I was after. I’ve been looking at the work of Artist Jean Haines, who works in a beautiful loose, expressive free style using watercolours. I completely admire her painting…if I ever achieve anything close to her, I’ll be a VERY happy bunny!
Having started the painting in acrylic, I questioned my choice of watercolour, but decided to just go for it anyway! I don’t usually mix media in this way, but today it felt the right thing to do. I even finished the owl in watercolour over the acrylic and added some gouache for good measure!! I’m telling myself its ‘finished’ – I think any more fiddling will be overkill, so here are a few piccies…from how I began, to how it looks now.
Ta-dah!! Today’s project completed. I can definitely recommend a visit to an exhibition to boost the inspiration levels. Its school camp next week, so all being well I’m looking forward to a quiet week full of lots more painting…I have lots of ideas buzzing around my head and I can’t wait!! (Will miss my hubby and daughter loads but painting will keep me occupied!)
Have just ‘seen’ an alteration that needs doing…maybe its not quite finished after all…!
Mandi 😉
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